TallyPrime tips and tricks helps you to easily import any ledger account information from one master company to new or blank company without any additional efforts. TallyPrime Tips and Tricks not only gives additional knowledge but also increase working speed of TallyPrime users in daily official job.
TallyPrime Tips and Tricks
If you want to bring any existing ledger account name and his all the information from master company to another new company manually, then it will take lot of time. Manually you have to fill all the detail one by one during creating new ledger account creation window. This is very longer process and most of the Tally user follow the same old way to fill all the information manually.
You can easily copy or import any ledger, group, cost center, currency, godown any many more using given tips and ticks.
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Now in this article we bring a TallyPrime tips and tricks which helps you to bring all the information of ledger account in a single click from master to new blank company. To do this process you must have to take few simple steps in your TallyPrime software. You can easily do this process in any version of TallyPrime window.
How to import any ledger account from one to another company
Step 1: First open a company in which you have lot of ledgers, groups, transaction entries. This is one is calling master company in which you have all the customer and item wise detail in TallyPrime software.
Step 2: Create a new or open a blank company in which you have only default ledger accounts like Cash, Profit & Loss Account. You can cheque except of these two-ledger account there is not another ledger account in second blank company.
Step 3: Active First Master company in which you have lot of ledger accounts. Go To Gateway of Tally -> Alter -> Ledger -> Select the ledger account which all detail you want to bring in your second blank company in quick mode.
Step 4: Now when ledger alteration window is active in your first active company press F3 function key to select second blank company in which you don’t have this ledger account information.
Must Read: TallyPrime Ledger account creation process
Step 5: You can check all the detail of ledger account is now shown in second blank company now you can quickly press CTRL+A shortcut key to save the ledger account in quick mode. Now press ESC key to quickly active Gateway of TallyPrime window.
Step 6: If you want to cross check that new ledger account information is saved or not in second blank company. First active second blank company and go to Gateway of Tally -> Alter -> Ledger account window. Here you can check new ledger account with all the information shown in second blank company in TallyPrime.
This TallyPrime tips and tricks helps lot of TallyPrime users. It helps to quickly fill active ledger account all the information from one to another company.