Maintain bill wise detail for receivable and payable in Tally

During voucher entry if you need to view additional detail of your entry then you have to maintain bill wise detail. In this article will discuss how to easily maintain bill wise detail for receivable and payable in Tally ERP software.

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You know very well about the Tally software and today we are talking about Maintain bill wise detail for receivable and payable in Tally. At present time Tally is one only most popular accounting cum inventory software that handles the day to day all routine operations of any business unit very effectively. It is widely accepted by the different accounts for its user friendly nature. Without using maintain bill wise detail for any receivable and payable you will not able to view bill wise details of sundry debtors and sundry creditors.

Must Read: How to use (BOM) Bill of Materials in Tally

Tally provides different accounting and inventory features that allow any user to maintain his company accounts effectively. Today we talk about How to use Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable Option in Tally. Accounts Receivables is the amount to be received from Sundry Debtors while’s  Accounts Payable is the amount to be paid to Sundry Creditors.

Tally software provides complete bill wise information of amounts receivable as well as payable either Party wise or Group wise. This feature can track bills, payments/receipts including advances one-to-one.You have to take the following steps given below:

How to maintain bill wise detail for receivable and payable in Tally or Tally.ERP9 ?

Step 1. Press F11 (Company Features)- > F1 (Accounting Feature) -> Maintain Bill Wise
Details – YES.

Step 2. Now Create a Party (Ledger A/c) under the group ‘Sundry Debtors’ as well as one under group ‘Sundry Creditors’, and also activate ‘Maintain balances bill by bill’ for all the Parties while you are in Ledger creation mode.

Step 3. Make a Voucher Entry from ‘Gateway of Tally’ -> Select Sales or Purchase Voucher.
Now, while entering the transaction, the user can specify a Ref. no with due date for the amount or break it up by giving multiple ref no with different due dates. There are four types of reference given below:

Types of Reference

New Reference:

It is used when you make any purchases or sales entry.

Against Reference:

It is used when you have to pay or receive amount against credit bill.

Advance Reference:

Use this option when you paid or received amount as an advance from or to party. In other words, It is used in case of advance receipt or payment entry.

On Account:

It is used when you don’t have any idea of any bill wise detail.

Step 4. To view the reports follow the procedure given below:

Select ‘Display’ (in Gateway of Tally menu) -> Select ‘Statement of Accounts’ -> Select ‘Outstanding’ -> Select ‘Receivables’ (in case you want to see amount due to the company) -> Select any particular group. The report displays bill by bill outstanding for all parties along with the pending amount as well as the due date.

In case user wants to see the amount payable by the company then select the option ‘Payable’ under the menu ‘Outstanding’. The user, once he has selected either Payable or Receivables can toggle between the two reports by clicking F4 function key.

Step 5. For individual Party wise outstanding Report:

Select ‘Display’ (in Gateway of Tally menu) -> Select ‘Statement of Accounts’ -> ->Select ‘Ledger’ option under ‘Outstanding’. This report gives a bill-by-bill display of all outstanding for the concerned party along with the total outstanding amount.

For a display of total outstanding for all parties -> select ‘Group’ in the menu ‘Outstanding’ and then select any particular group or sub-group.

Step 6. Tally gives Age wise Analysis Reports and hence keeps the user informed for the range of period the bills have been outstanding. The user has the luxury of defining the Ageing periods as per his needs. e.g. 0 to 30 days, 30 to 45 days, 45 to 60 and so on. The procedure for displaying the report is given below. The aging analysis gives flexibility to do ageing by due date or bill date.

Select ‘Display’ (in Gateway of Tally menu) -> Select ‘Statement of Accounts’ -> -> Select ‘Outstanding’ under Display menu -> select ‘Receivables ‘ or ‘Payable’ press F5 (age wise) -> select method of ageing -> specify the periods.

Must Read: Debit Note and Credit Note Voucher with Vat, Rate Difference

I hope you like this Maintain bill wise detail for receivable and payable in Tally post. Give your important suggestions in comment box regarding this post. Thanks.


  1. I am created one group under sundry Debtors(Project Customers) But i cant able to make Bill wise details to Yes(Skiping The curser in that option while trying to make that yes ) .I need to show balance bill by bill for every party comes under the group Project customers (A sub group of Sundry debtors). Please advise me on this

    Thanks & Regards
    Sreejith K R

  2. Dear All,

    Customers bills paid with zero balance, but still showing as pending bills. How can I resolve this problem

  3. Sir,
    At the time of receipt entry, billwise outstanding details not appearing though created ledger as maintain bill wise as YES

    1. Ms.Viji,

      You Need to configure the Following options in Your tally while making Receipt entry
      1. Press F12 – Receipt Configuration – Select – ” Show Table of Bills for Selection ” – Select “Yes”
      2. Go to Show Bill Wise Details – Select – ” yes’

      now you get the results.

  4. I have kept maintain Balance Bill by bill as YES but Now in all Ledgers it is showing No because of this i could not See Outstanding

  5. sir
    i forgot to give maintain bill wise details to some ledgers later i edited that to yes, but still when i take the outstandings the details of those clents are not coming even after due date how to sort this issue….pls help

  6. Hi sir,
    whenever i change party ledger for already saved voucher, the supplementary detail for the previous party do not change automatically
    Is there any solution

  7. Hello sir
    While doing purchase or sales voucher i dont get the pop up box which shows bills reference details.
    I already changed to yes in F11 and also in ledger.but still i dont get the reference box…… please gve me suggestion

  8. In Receivable outstanding report, on account payment received are not captured so Outstanding amounts are overstated. We have to take on account receipt detail from each debtor account & enter it manually in Outstanding report. Please help ASAP.

  9. Hi,
    I have opened ledger for my customer to print on Sub:Confirmation Accounts there is some words down there written,
    “Given below is the details of your Accounts as standing in my/our Books of accounts……………………My question is how can i change that words there to language?
    your help please!

  10. I am trying to take calumnar report of receipt voucher. I select Display, Accounting and Cash/Bank, DAC from Gateway of Tally. I choose the Service Tax, Swatch Bharat Cess and Krishi Kalyan Cess. But in the report , these three columns are blank. Please tell me how to take a report with the following columns:
    Party Name, Receipt Voucher Date, Name of Bank, DD/NEFT No., DD/NEFT date, Head of Accout, Amount, Service Tax, Swatch Bharath Cess, Krishi Kalyan Cess

    hope I am clear

    Thank you

  11. hi,

  12. a question how to adjust the bill wise detail where a purchase is recd from the same party. for example mr a is our sundry debtor
    he got a bill of rs 100/- on 12.05.17 b n 1 now after day he issued a purchase bill to us for the same amount.
    here the balance is nil. but in bill wise detail both bill are shown as outstandings.
    plz solve my problem

  13. Sir,
    Pl tell me how to adjust the Balances c/f from previous year to next year in company separately created in separate data destination, in current year when payments are made agst last year bills entered I.e.opening.
    Kindly reply w.r.t. Bill wise allocation feature.

  14. Hi Sir,
    i want to do bill payable and receivable in erp9,changed my F11 feature and F12 Configure also
    In ledger maintaining bill wise details option Yes also changed.when i am doing purchase vocher F9 i am not getting the
    new ref option and against ref also in sales .i tried many times .kindly clear my doubts .

  15. Sir
    My name is mayur. i have a problem that if i want to see bill details in bank account it is not seeing, if i opening bank ledger and in F12 doing bill wise detail yes, then it is showing only narration it is not showing bills detail, plz help me

  16. Hi,
    How will all invoices come out when applying payment for suppplier and not just the invoices that are already due?

    1. Dear Seiya,

      First you have to turn on F11 > F1 > Maintain Bill Wise Detail – Yes
      After that you have to press F12 > Voucher Entry > Show bill wise detail – Yes.

      Now you will get list of all pending voucher which payment is already due.


  17. Dear sir, Please help, I have entered a invoice through sales voucher, thereafter i have received cheque for the same which i enter through receipt voucher, now my problem starts, when i enter receipt voucher i get a window for bill wise details and against reference row, in this summary of pending amount or bills i am unable to find the bill for which payment is received, some are there and some are not, i am so confused right now i have no clue what have i have done wrong.
    Even in outstanding amount in reports there are many pending amounts for which the payment has already come, please please guide me where have i gone wrong.

    1. Dear Awin,

      If you are unable to view billwise detail then Press F12 (Configuration) > Voucher Entry > Turn on Show bill wise detail – Yes

      After that your problem will be solved. If not then please let me know.

      Thanks for writing…. Keep in touch..

  18. Dear Experts,
    I am working in a Restaurant we are dealing with ministry. I need to submit invoice by monthly and its under LPO.
    My problem is I want to see which are are invoiced last months
    I am entering sales as journal entry, and i make Ministry as Debtor, How i can enter/ identify the invoiced bills

  19. i want view in purchase Bill debit and credit entry together(Purchase entry+Debit note entry+Payment)

  20. Dear sir
    I had same entry in Dec it was duplicate now I split my data I also delete those duplication still in my January outstanding are in how to solve it

  21. Hello Sir ,
    please help me i am not getting bill wise bill details in purchase and sales voucher but it coming in receipt and payment voucher i want to make interest rates entry in sales but its not showing bill wise bill details i had on all the bill wise details option in ledger also and in activation also
    Tally erp9 vesion 5.4.8

  22. dear sir
    i activated billwise details in feature and also in ledger creation still it is not coming whilw making sales invoice. pl help me.
    chandra mohan

    1. Dear Chandara Mohan

      First thanks for writing… During making entry in sales voucher you have to press Ctrl+V to change the mode then you will get billwise reference detail in Tally software.

  23. Dear Sir,
    Tally shows Purchase Bills to come and sales bills to make , even my previous audited balance sheet shows difference in opening balance.
    what must have happened ?
    please guide me at the earliest

  24. Sir/Madam,

    On receivable report certain debtors details are not showing on the report though the debtors bills are not paid. Please advise.


    1. Hi Lingam,

      If you watching the outstanding report of receivables from GOT> Display> Statement of Accounts> Outstandings > Receivables then you will get only those debtors list whose amount is due rest of the debtors detail does not shown from this report.

      Thanks for writing… I hope your problem resolved..

  25. Hi,

    How to Apply the bill by bill entries in one shot, as I have got 50 to 60 entries on both debit & credit side & want to apply in one shot.

  26. last year advance payment amount showing outstanding in this year. but ledger account showing zero balance. how to clear that outstanding amount

  27. I have not set maintain bill wise details and recorded all the entries for the year. Now I want to alter it and set bill wise details. How can I do this?

  28. sir custmer (debtor), ko bill dena hai pr kisi custmer ka pahale ka amount (priveus amu.) to kisi ne advance diye rahta hai to mai jounral me bill ki entri karu to in dono me se koi aye to kaise adjustment karu plz entri aur ledar,under bhi bataye

  29. Good Evening Dear Sir,

    I do hope to find you well.

    I have difficulty to manage bill wise clients & suppliers ledger where I activate multi-currency for clients & suppliers ledger. I already activate multi-currency & maintain bill wise details. I noticed if I kept clients & suppliers ledger in BASE CURRENCY then I can manage bill wise details without issue but when I change clients & suppliers ledger other than BASE CURRENCY then I’m unable to maintain bill wise details. Could you please explain how I can maintain bill wise details also in multi-currency enable ledgers?

    Thanks in advance for your support.

  30. Dear Experts,

    Please tell me ,I don’t have receipt s papers but who can i entry my expenses .
    Exe: Tea bill, Watchmen extra service bill ect..

    1. Just use the words as Bill Reference as:
      Tea bill, Watchmen, etc. etc.

      This way you can easily keep a Bill-by-bill status.

      Please confirm is your problem resolved or not.
      If NOT, please explain more about what is troubling you.

    2. Hi Priyanka,

      As you mentioned that you don’t have the receipts.However, you can debit security expenses for the watchmen and staff welfare for the tea bill.

  31. Hi Expert,

    I have few queries in tally 9

    Sub : Advance Receipt and Its adjustment

    1-7-2016 I received advance AED 1000/- from customer , good not deliverd
    10-7-2016 Prepared invoice to credit value of AED 5000/-(invoice in the name of customer) and good deliverd
    22-7-2016 Received balnce amount fully AED 4000/-
    How pass entries and adujsment entry in Tally ERP ?

  32. Hi Expert,

    I have few queries in tally 9

    1. I have one sale entry which was on credit in the month of May 2016 and now there is sales return of 50% material in the month of July 2016 so I passed the credit note entry and ledger is not showing any balance. However when I checking the outstanding as receivables from display button it is still showing outstanding for which I have already passed the sales return entry in client ledger. Please tell me why because it is effecting the balance sheet values also by showing the particular amount as receivables.

    2. For the same entry I have query regarding it’s stock value. The actual value of stock is 520 at the time of sale but now it is not showing value as 520 instead it is showing as 233.3 something because of average price. I have kept stock valuation method as LIFO and Average Price. Please tell me how to modify the value of stock in the month of July 2016.

    1. Hi Hitesh,
      First thanks for writing.
      First you have to turn on maintain Maintain bill by bill option from your party ledger account. If you don’t turn on this option you are not able to view the Outstanding receivable report.
      After do this you will get the proper report either in account or stock level. I hope your problem is resolved. Keep in touch… 🙂

  33. Sir
    Mera Readymade garment ka business he or me accounting ke liy erp9 ko lagu karna sahta hu lekin mere ko kuch chije samaj me nahi aa rahi he jese ki
    1. Mene 15150 ka rm garment karida udhar me or jub wo seller rupaye lene ke liy aaya to mene usko 15100 hi diye iss tarah mera 50 rupaye ka fayada ho gya iski entry erp kese karenge

    Waiting for ans


    2. Hi Janardan,

      First of all thank for writing. You have to create a discount received ledger account under the Indirect Income and then make entry in the Receipt (F6) voucher which is given below:
      Dr. Party (Creditor) 15150
      Cr. Cash 15100
      Cr. Discount Received 50
      (Received discount against credit purchases via bill no……………..)

  34. dear sir,

    one problem for me , tally bill wise details pending bills last year bill no: 498 rs. 4000/- payment paid 4 month after received, but current year same bill no: 498 entered in part rs. 10500/-, but billwise datails view on overdue date for last year running in total days for till date , how can solve this problem ( but over due days for only running date )

    1. Hi Ms. Revathi, I think you can resolve this problem by a simple step:
      Suffix Bill Date with current year bill number.
      I.e., your bill number reference will look like this, if the bill date is 12-6-2016: 498/12-6-2016

      Please confirm your status.

  35. When I done bank reconciliation and after than how to I see cheque payment date with clearing date?

    1. Respected Experts ,

      In Tally ERP9

      Whenever I Start to make bills entry of sales as voucher than it is accepting that… but as I do a entry as invoice it’s not accepting. It’s Suggesting ERROR ! OVERDUE BILLS OF RS…

      Sir please help look after this situation as soon as possible because due tho this my work is being stuck..kindly cooperate

      Thanks And Regards

  36. Dear Bharti,

    If you doesn’t received the bill and party need advance payment then you must have to make payment entry and choose Advance reference during the entry:

    Dr. Sundry Creditor 25000
    Advance Adv 25000 Dr.
    Cr Bank 25000

  37. sir/madam
    Q/suppose the hotel room rental is 5000. and the we received 3000 as a advance payment from party. so what will be the entry for the pending amount receivable. please kindly state me the groups too.
    thank you sir

    1. Dear,
      In accounting,
      3000 will be consider as advance received it will be credit balance on customer ledger.

      once you make the invoice for 5000 for rental service under customer ledger, the rest will come under receivable debit balance otherwise the 3000 will remain as credit balance on customer ledger.

  38. Credit note makes a bill of outstanding?
    why? if i pay this payable bill the purchase amount increases.

  39. why credit note shows as bill outstanding in Tally erp9?

    please somebody help me.
    i will be really greatfull

  40. I am not getting Supplier Invoice No. and date in Purchase Voucher entry. Only ref no. How do I get Invoice date if Voucher entry date and Invoice date is different.

  41. I have found some Fixed assets which were purchased and payments were done on Proforma invoices ( advance Payments? and now i have also got Tax invoices. how do i get t clear the advance payments with the Tax invoices? coz i Made entry

    DR – Fixed asset account ……..inv 1234 new ref
    Cr – advance Account …….inv 1234 new ref

    This invoice is to clear the Entry

    Dr advance account Proforma 5555 new ref
    CR Bank Account Proforma 5555 new ref at time of entry

    Maintaning by bill wise, this makes me remaing with Invoice 1234 outstanding

    if I try to enter inv against proforma,, that lives me with no Invoice number entered in ref

    how do i Clear this kind of transaction and Entries..

    1. I am also facing similar issues. I guess experts do not have solution for this issue. many of tally user have same issue. How to adjust Advance payment against Invoice which is received after the date of advance payment.

      The invoice shows outstanding though it is paid fully.
      Its the missing poing in tally software i guess.

  42. Dear Experts

    Plz clarify my problem

    In tally erp 9 im not getting receipt and payment, Banking option plz guide me as soon as possible…………….

    Thanks and Regards

    1. Dear Vishnuji,

      If you are not able to get payment and receipt voucher in your Tally ERP9 then you must have to scan your computer with Antivirus and then again reinstall the Tally ERP soft. If you have same issue then write us…… again… We will definitely helps your.

  43. ok you can proceed in that way.
    if you get any doubt regarding the FIFO basis you please contact the author.

  44. Sir I need a help ,
    I m in starting stage of tally erp9. While doing billwise entries I dont find the refrence dialog box. Already I changed the maintain bill wise details as YES in F11.what should I do???I did al changes in configuration.while selecting purchase entry debitor I dont find any dialog box coming for me??? Plz help me

    1. Dear Saranya thanks for writing. You have to read step no: 1. Press F11 (Company Features)- > F1 (Accounting Feature) -> Maintain Bill Wise Details – YES.

      After that when you create or edit any party ledger account either Sundry Debitor or Sundry Creditor you will get the reference dialog box.

  45. sir in my business i dont receive payment bill wise. bulk payment is received and i have to manually allot payment bill wise. I am trying to `do this in erp 9 but not finding any feature regarding this. I am hoping to set some FIFO base receipt system for my ledger accounts in tally so that i can see which bill date wise are due.

    1. Dear Prateek, thanks for writing.

      In that situation you have to use on account reference facility. If you did not satisfy with first method then you have to change the payment voucher from GOT>Account Info> Voucher Type > Edit > Choose Payment Voucher and set the required option as per your need.

      I think your problem will be solved. If not then write us again…

      1. dear sir,

        please talk to me how to make all partis sales pending bills in tally erp-9 mansion.

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